October 3, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Announcing a live Hybrid Webinar to be held on Monday, October 3, 2022 — in-person in Charleston, West Virginia, and online via Zoom.
Registration for in-person and online attendance is here.
Rising temperatures, severe climate change impacts, and an accelerating energy transition are taking place around the globe. In the United States, major national climate and energy legislation has just been enacted. What will this new legislation mean for West Virginia, America, and the planet?
To address this question, on Monday, October 3, 2022 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM USET, the West Virginia Center on Climate Change (“WV3C”), partnering with the West Virginia Citizen Action Group and the West Virginia Climate Alliance, will present a free, live, expert-led, audience-interactive “hybrid webinar” program – in-person at the Erma Byrd Gallery at the University of Charleston in Charleston WV, and online via Zoom.
Registration via Zoom for both in-person and online participation is here.

The main program speaker will be Christina DeConcini, Director of Government Affairs at the World Resources Institute, where she oversees WRI’s legislative work and strategy on climate change and energy issues. She is a Board Member of the Woodwell Climate Center (formerly Woods Hole Research Center) and President of the Board of the Pricing Carbon Initiative. She serves as an advisor to Rural Investment to Protect our Environment and Keeping Current: A Sea Level Rise Challenge for Greater Miami. She earned a J.D. at Northeastern University and a B.A. in History at UC San Diego.
Also speaking on the program panel will be John Barnette, Ed.D., Professor and Associate Dean and Executive Director of Leadership & Professional Development Programs at the University of Charleston. John Barnette served as the Commander of the West Virginia Army National Guard for 15 years, where he directed the training and readiness preparation of Guard units for wartime and emergency response missions. He is a teacher and leader in adaptation to the energy transition and climate change.
Also speaking will be Perry Bryant, who helped found the West Virginia Climate Alliance, a broad-based coalition active in promoting reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to keep global warming below an increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius; a just transition for coal mining communities; and environmental justice. Perry is the principal author of the West Virginia Citizens Guide to Climate Change, and A Summary of the Inflation Reduction Act.
A “hybrid webinar” combines an in-person and online Zoom audience and speakers. Registrants receive a link to attend the online program by email (and reminder emails); and can also register to attend (space permitting) at the in-person venue, where there are local speakers, cameras and microphones, and a large video screen. A video recording will be posted at the WV3C YouTube Channel.
We hope you can attend – and please notify your climate-concerned friends and colleagues! For more information, go to https://wvclimate.org/ or email info@wvclimate.org. Thanks to the Appalachian Stewardship Foundation and the Dunn Foundation for making this program possible.
Registration for in-person and online attendance is here.