July 27, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Register here to reserve your place at this online webinar.
Program topic: Around the globe, people are organizing to deal with the looming crisis of global warming and climate change. How are labor unions and environmental organizations working together to create and support effective climate solutions? How can we ensure that these solutions deliver good jobs and a more inclusive, equitable economy? What challenges and opportunities do unions face in this time of major energy and technological transition?
To help answer these questions, on Wednesday, July 27 from 7:00-8:00 PM USET, the West Virginia Center on Climate Change (“WV3C”) will present a live, audience-interactive online Zoom webinar program. The program topic is: “Blue is the New Green – Labor Unions Tackle the Climate Crisis.”
Register here to reserve your place at this online webinar.
The main speaker will be Jessica Eckdish, Vice President of Legislation & Federal Affairs at the BlueGreen Alliance (“BGA”). The BGA is a national partnership of labor unions and environmental organizations working to solve today’s environmental challenges in ways that create and maintain quality jobs and build a clean, strong, and equitable economy.

Jessica directs BGA’s federal legislative, policy, and partnership efforts in Washington, D.C., including leading the organization’s work on climate, energy, and infrastructure issues. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations from UC Santa Barbara, and a Master of Arts in Global Environmental Policy from the School of International Service at American University.

Serving as a discussion panelist will be Steve Crum, International Representative for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The IBEW supports an all-of-the-above energy portfolio because of its diverse membership in fossil fuels, gas and nuclear sectors. Steve Crum has been focusing on the renewable energy sector because, as he puts it, “it is coming fast and hard and we need to prepare for it.”

Also serving as a discussion panelist will be Marc Boom, Director of Federal Affairs in Natural Resources Defense Council’s Government Affairs department. He is a leading voice within NRDC for integrating economic inclusion and justice into NRDC’s work and developing partnerships with labor unions and other organizations representing workers’ interests. Before joining NRDC, he served as a senior legislative assistant and the principal advisor for energy and environmental issues in the office of Congressman Patrick Murphy (PA-08).
Registrants will receive a Zoom link to attend the online program, and reminder emails. A video recording will be available for registrants who cannot attend. Thanks to the Appalachian Stewardship Foundation and the Dunn Foundation for making this program possible. For more information, go to https://wvclimate.org/, or email info@wvclimate.org.
Register here to reserve your place at this online webinar.