Our Mission
West Virginians are increasingly affected by the crisis of global warming and climate change.
To address this challenge, West Virginians need science-based research, education, communication, dialogue, advocacy, policy, and action. They particularly need information about how the climate crisis is affecting the people, land, air, and waters of the Mountain State.
The mission of the West Virginia Center on Climate Change is to help meet these needs by bringing scientific and policy expertise into a wide range of civic and community settings, including online and other media forums, in a nonpartisan and constructive way.
The Center is an informational, partnership, and leadership resource for individuals, organizations, and institutions. The Center takes an “all of the above” and pro-innovation position on climate solutions.
The Center’s strategic approach is to: (1) help create, promote, and deploy accessible, inclusive, science-based, educational projects, programs, and events, live and via online and other media; (2) help build grass-roots and leadership understanding; (3) help foster common-sense and constructive dialogue; and (4) help identify, develop, and promote policy options and common-ground solutions that will lead to effective action.
See the sections below for more about how WV3C programs implement this mission and strategy.

Public Education
WV3C programs help participants and the West Virginia public better understand the reality and urgency of the climate crisis and the need of solutions.
WV3C programs are geared to reach West Virginians of all ages and backgrounds. We value the climate communication role of influencers like science educators, media communicators, community officials, and civic and thought leaders.

Expertise and Outreach
WV3C presenters share their scholarship and knowledge on a wide range of climate change issues — from atmospheric methane emissions to “climate parenting.”
WV3C programs include a robust online and social media presence, engaging thousands of climate-concerned citizens with publications and updates on climate issues of particular importance to West Virginians.

Dialogue and Solutions
A wide range of global, national, regional and local actions are necessary to solve the climate crisis.
Each person must find their role, in dialogue with others. To facilitate dialogue, WV3C programs take an “all of the above” approach to climate solutions.
WV3C programs create non-confrontational opportunities for participants to share their personal perspectives on the climate crisis — and to find common ground.

The Transition
West Virginia is experiencing a wrenching economic and social transition, as the climate crisis drives the global economy toward new energy sources and technologies.
WV3C programs explore how to work for a fair transition that leaves no one behind, and protects the future well-being of coming generations.